UAP 研究协会坚定地致力于汇集来自人文学科和 STEM 的思想家、想法和研究。我们相信,只有当科学和人文追求密切相关时,人类面临的最困难问题才会真正取得进展。 UAP 现象也不例外——它尤其受益于多元化的思想参与有纪律的辩论。


Michael Bohlander, Dr. Jur.
Chair in Global Law & SETI Policy
Durham University, U.K.

Bill Chalker
Independent Researcher

Brenda Denzler, Ph.D.
Independent Researcher

William Dewan, Ph.D.
Lecturer, School of Social Sciences
University of California, Irvine

Adam Dodd, Ph.D.
Teaching Associate, Communication and Media Studies
University of Queensland, Australia

Greg Eghigian, Ph.D.
Prof. of History & Bioethics
Penn State University
Kimberly Engels, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. of Philosophy
Molloy University

Jérôme Ezan, Ph.D.
Neurocentre Magendie-INSERM U1215; Bordeaux, France

Stephen Finley, Ph.D.
Inaugural Chair & Assoc. Prof. of African and African American Studies
Louisiana State University

Baptiste Friscourt
Professeur certifié d'arts plastiques
Ministere de l'education nationale et de la Jeunesse, rectorat de l'académie de Reims, France
Steven Fuller, Ph.D.
Auguste Comte Chair in Social Epistemology
University of Warwick, U.K.

Gene Greneker
Independent Researcher | President
UAPx | RADAR Flashlight

Rich Hoffman
Executive Board
Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies

Paul Kingsbury, Ph.D.
Assoc. Dean & Prof. of Geography
Simon Fraser University, Canada | SCU

Kevin H. Knuth, Ph.D.
Prof. of Physics
State University of New York, Albany | UAPx

James Madden, Ph.D.
Prof. of Philosophy
Benedictine College

Tim Murithi, Ph.D.
Extradordinary Prof. of African Studies
University of Free State, South Africa | ICER

Filipe Nascimento, Ph.D.
Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Research Fellow
University College London, U.K.

Ted Peters, Ph.D.
Distinguished Research Professor of Systematic Theology and Ethics
Graduate Theological Union

Christian Peters, Ph.D.
Managing Director
BIGSSS, University of Bremen
Inbar Pincu
Ph.D. Student, Dept. of International Relations
Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Joshua Pierson, D.S.S
National Security Advisor
Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies
Mark Rodeghier, Ph.D.
President & Scientific Director
J. Allen Hynek Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS)

Nikola Schmidt, Ph.D.
Lecturer | Lead Researcher
Charles University, Prague | Prague Institute of International Relations
Erling Strand, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof. of Computer Science & Communications (Ret.)
Østfold University College, Norway | Project Hessdalen

Gretchen Stahlman, Ph.D.
Asst. Prof., School of Information
Florida State University

Massimo Teodorani, Ph.D.
Independent Researcher & Contributing Member
Project Hessdalen | SCU
Michael Uhall, Ph.D.
Adjunct Professor, Political Science
Indiana University East

Michaël Vaillant
UAP Check, France

Beatriz Villarroel, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor of Astrophysics
Nordic Institute of Physics, Sweden

Wesley Watters, Ph.D.
Assoc. Prof. & Chair of Astronomy
Wellesley College | Galileo Project

Jinwoo Yu
Korean UAP Research Network

Michael E. Zimmerman, Ph.D.
Prof. Emeritus of Philosophy
University of Colorado, Boulder
Board of Directors
Our Board of Directors is responsible for the organization as a nonprofit corporate entity. The specific direction that the organization takes as a learned & professional society is shaped by the Society's Advisory Board, which functions as a steering committee.

President & Acting Executive Director | Co-founder
Mike Cifone, Ph.D. (University of Maryland, College Park) has specialized in the philosophy of science, and now focuses entirely on UAP Studies - especially the conceptual foundations of the emerging science of UAP. He founded both the academic journal Limina and the Society for UAP Studies, which creates much-needed academic platforms for interdisciplinary research, peer-reviewed publication, and dialogue on this exciting new academic field of UAP Studies.

Secretary | Co-founder
Michael D. Silberstein, Ph.D.
Dr. Silberstein is Full Professor of Philosophy at Elizabethtown College, a founding member of the Cognitive Science program and permanent Adjunct in the Philosophy Department at the University of Maryland. His primary research interests are foundations of physics, foundations of cognitive science and foundations of complexity theory respectively. Prof. Silberstein has published widely in each of these areas.

Thomas Scheiding, Ph.D.
Dr. Scheiding earned his doctorate in Economics from the University of Notre Dame, where he wrote his dissertation on the economics of academic journals and learned societies. He is Associate Professor of Economics in the Department of Social Sciences at the University of Hawai‘i, and publishes widely in economics.