- 全年持续 -
该协会正在开发一些关于各种主题的在线课程,这些课程从许多不同的学术角度来处理 UAP 之谜。
这些在线课程的形式各不相同,从更传统的本科式课程到更高级的研究生式讲座,每周开会一次,持续几个小时。将开发一个学期的课程,在传统的 16 周或加速的 8 周轮换期间定期开会,但我们也会进行更短的(一或两个月)课程;这些课程将采用研究生式研讨会形式。
每门课程都将特别关注 the 的最基本方面(方法论、认识论和本体论)学习 of UAP 与课程讲师采用的纪律方法相关。换句话说,每门课程不仅会从特定的学术角度研究UAP本身;它还将关注现象 应该是学业 from那个角度。因此,我们的课程将突出更多元理论,反思性问题如果 UAP 的研究要在学术上严肃、严谨和富有成效,这是必不可少的。
Courses In Development
The Science of UAP: From Skepticism to Evidence and Theory.
Philosophy of Science and the UAP Enigma: Concepts, Problems, Future Prospects.
Politics and UAP: National Security, Securitization and the UAP Enigma.
Biological Effects: Examining the Claims and the The Evidence.
The Myth, The Mystery and the Reality of UAP: A Philosophical Excursion.
Citizen Science Series: courses examining the methods & techniques, instruments and equipment, and field observations of citizen scientists from around the world.
Sky Watch: Learning The Knowns (part of our Citizen Science curriculum).
And many more!
Spring 2024 Curriculum
all courses are 125 USD or 50 USD for 3 months
March-April: The Scientific Investigation of UAP with astrophysicist Dr. Massimo Teodorani (Society for UAP Studies | SCU | Project Hessdalen) Astrophysics
April-June: Phenomenology of UAP with philosopher Dr. Kimberly Engels (Society for UAP Studies | Molloy University) Philosophy
Fall 2024 Curriculum
all courses are 125 USD or 50 USD for 3 months
September - October: The Physics of Exotic Propulsion for Interstellar Space Travel (rescheduled from Summer 2024) with Dr. Matthew Szydagis (State University of New York, Albany | UAPx) Physics
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