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The Physics of Exotic Propulsion for Interstellar Space Travel

New Time!

Below, interested students and members of the Society can learn about our latest online course offering, taught by noted young UAP science researcher Dr. Matthew Szydagis, associate professor of physics at the State University of New York (Albany), and lead scientist with UAPx.

9 Sept - 28 Oct 2024 Mondays
2 - 5 pm EST

all courses are 125 USD or 50 USD monthly


Course Description

This 8 week course will ask a simple question: If ET visitations are possible, then how would aliens get here? This course will briefly cover the history of human air and space travel first, with the historical claims that each were impossible. Then, after explaining Newtonian-physics-based propulsion, it will move on to describing the origins of Einstein’s Theory of Special Relativity (1905), explaining why the speed of light must be a constant and why that causes time to dilate (Twin Paradox) and length to contract, helping interstellar travelers along.


Students will also learn how we know relativity to be correct. The formulas for relativistic mass and energy will be explained from a qualitative perspective for the non-mathematically-oriented students. Problematic side effects like mass increase and starlight Doppler blue-shifting will be covered, with suggested solutions of new fuel sources and propellants like dark matter or energy, and new types of shielding against radiation, for relativistic spaceflight (still sub-light). At the course midpoint, case studies of UAP exhibiting high speeds / accelerations will be reviewed.


The course will then transition into General Relativity for handling gravity and acceleration, with a focus upon how this broader theory may allow for faster-than-light navigation of the cosmos, through the warping of the space-time fabric (gravitational waves and inflation will be discussed as examples) and Einstein-Rosen bridges, or wormholes. Lastly, the course ends with a discussion of non-relativistic solutions to observed UAP behavior using the classical mechanics of Newton and Galileo, emphasizing how Einstein is the icing on the cake.

No matter what your time zone, or your schedule, we encourage you to enroll! For the benefit of any student who can't attend live, the Society will record the sessions and make them available to students (once video processing is complete - generally, two to three days).

The Stars

Weekly Topics

Week 1: A Brief History of Human Air and Space Travel

Week 2: Intro to Einstein's Special Relativity and Time Dilation

Week 3: Relativistic Energy, and Doppler Shift

Week 4: Fuels and Shielding for Relativistic Travel

Week 5: UAP Case Studies of High Velocities or Accelerations

Week 6: Intro to General Relativity and Space-Time Warping

Week 7: Tachyons, Warp Drives, and Wormholes

Week 8: A Lack of Sonic Booms: Clever Engineering?

New Moon

Matthew Szydagis is Associate Professor of Physics at the State University of New York (Albany) and research scientist at UAPx, one of only a handful of serious scientific groups studying UAP with well-calibrated instruments. Matt is an experimental physicist who works on Dark Matter research in laboratories deep underground. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Chicago,and divides his time between family, Dark Matter, UAP, and teaching young & impressionable students the wonders of physics.



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