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UAP Studies Resource Development

UAP Studies Resources
Phenomenological Catalogue of UAP Encounters
This ongoing project develops an exhaustive phenomenological catalogue of UAP-human encounters in order to study the mode of presentation of the UAP to human percipients.

UAP Studies Resources
Bibliography in UAP Studies
This is an ongoing project to develop a curated reading list that can form the core of minimum expected knowledge students working towards a Ph.D. in UAP Studies would be expected to possess. This bibliography would be populated with works taken from the entire range of texts devoted to: case reports; analysis of specific cases; historical and folkloric studies; investigation into alleged abductions; and the latest in UAP theory.

UAP Studies Resources
Videographic Catalogue of UAP Incidents
This is the videographic equivalent of the phenomenological catalogue of UAP-Human encounters (which is mainly textual-descriptive, and percipient-focused). Here we compile the best video captured during a UAP encounter. The virtue of this compilation will be its curatorial nature: a collection vetted by trusted experts in the field.
Projects in UAP Studies

Scholarly Initiative
Project Special Issue
The Society is currently developing a detailed plan for a special issue in an important academic journal, where scholars will be invited to make critical/theoretical contributions to the question of "UAP Studies" as its own, autonomous area of scholarly inquiry.
UAP Studies Research Tools

Research Tools
Bibliographic Database
The Europe-based UAP Check, headed by former GEIPAN affiliate and lead project programmer Mssr. Vaillant of France has with his team developed a searchable database containing a large bibliography of works devoted to UAP and related subjects (including the older "UFO" literature as well).
The Society, under the direction of Dr. Christian Peters of Germany, with the assistance of members from UAP Check, is undertaking a curatorial project to establish a core reading list in UAP Studies, as described above. This curated bibliography would be a literature which scholars and experts in the burgeoning field of UAP Studies can be expected to be familiar with, and, most importantly, to have trained and developed a critical hermeneutic skill for navigating.
In this way the scholar thus avoids the trap of either believerism (in which case the text remains unquestioned), or debunkerism (in which the text merely serves the end of dogmatic skepticism). True scholarship is able to move beyond this polarity to a more nuanced accounting of the significance of its texts.