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October Colloquium with Prof. Greg Eghigian
вт, 29 окт.
|Online (GoogleMeet)
We discuss Prof. Eghigian's recent book, "After the Flying Saucers Came" - the first such academic history of the subject since David Jacob's classic 1975 treatment in "The UFO Controversy in America". Instead of focusing just on the situation in the U.S., Prof. Eghigian's book is global in outlook.

Время и место
29 окт. 2024 г., 09:00 – 12:00 GMT-7
Online (GoogleMeet)
О событии
The Society is honored to have Historian Greg Eghigian of Penn State discuss his recent book with us this Fall. Prof. Eghigian's book After the Flying Saucers Came, published by Oxford University Press this summer, tells the story of the world's fascination with UFOs and the prospect that they were the work of visitors from outer space. While accounts of great wonders in the sky date back to antiquity, reports of UFOs took place against the unique backdrop of the Cold War and space age, giving rise to disputed government inquiries, breathtaking news stories, and single-minded sleuths. After the Flying Saucers Came traces how a seemingly isolated incident sparked an international drama involving shady figures, questionable evidence, suspicions of conspiracy, hoaxes, new religions, scandals, unsettling alien encounters, debunkers, and celebrities. It examines how descriptions, theories, and debates about unidentified flying objects and alien abduction changed over time and how they appeared in the United States, Europe, Latin America, Asia, and Russia. And it explores the impact UFOs have had on our understanding of space, science, technology, and ourselves up through the present day.
**Society colloquia are open to Society memebers. Please consider becoming a member today!