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U.S. Congressional Hearing on UAP (13 Nov 2024)

Public·11 members

Well, well, well.... First time I've ever listened to such a thing. Interesting.

I had a few thoughts during everyone's talking....

(1) This is not a "new" development. These things have been around for (at a minimum) decades. So to get all excited and think that we're facing a "new" threat and we have do something.--- ANYTHING! Not smart and not necessary. Governmental transparency, sure. More of that. But otherwise....

(2) We know the capabilities of UAPs, but not their intent? Not true. We know that to date they have not behaved aggressively toward a whole. Temporarily disarming our nuclear warheads at missile site is not particularly aggressive. Disarming them permanently could be considered so. But not a temporary demonstration of what they can do --- a demonstration that couldn't have been provided to us just by the way they fly around in the sky and the ocean. The bottom line is, they haven't tried to kill us or dominate us yet, so we can safely say that based upon their behavior to date, they are not a physical threat to us.

(3) They have almost caused collisions with pilots in planes. Well...Maybe. I have a neighbor who lets his dog run loose sometimes. If I'm leaving our neighborhood, the dog will run down my neighbor's driveway and straight toward my car. My natural tendency is to try to swerve to avoid hitting the dog. However, if I do that, the dog will follow whatever direction I point the car in, so when I try to swerve back into my original path, the dog will be in that path and I'm more likely to hit it. I have learned to just slow down a tiny bit and let the dog chase me as he wants. Soon he'll stop. He doesn't want to be hit, so he's not likely to dart in front of my tires and dare me to hit him. He just wants to chase me.

What are the chances that these narrow misses reported by pilots are in part or in whole because they (pilots) get alarmed at the UFO coming toward them and try to take evasive maneuvers that end up putting them in greater danger of having a collision with it as IT dodges around the plane at the last second, which we know they can? How often are these kinds of near approaches to airborne planes recorded as "near misses" when in fact it wasn't that at all?

I can say I almost hit my neighbor's dog, every time it runs out to chase my car. Or I can recognize that as long as I maintain my trajectory, I'm not likely to hit the dog. A pilot can say that a UFO almost hit his plane...but in all the times pilots have reported this, how often does the UFO fail to do so at the last minute? Almost all of the time, I'd suspect.

(4) If this has been going on for so long, why has the government been reluctant to release info about ANY of it for decades and decades? Perhaps because what they figured out, early-on, is a heckuva lot more earthshaking than extraterrestrial biologicals?


Patricia Avant
Patricia Avant
Nov 13, 2024

Humans are sheltered & SPOILED , and our world has been SO closed off and orchestrated-that they are probably right to spoon feed it-we kill each other down here DAILY for differences-so why would the majority of us behave any different to other beings-


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